2023 AFSA 1st General Meeting

Dates: May 19, 2023 – May 20, 2023
Meeting Style: Hybrid style with both in-person and online via Zoom
Venue:Room 1208 and Room 1210, 12th floor, National Institute of Informatics
(2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430)

Eligible participants: AFSA’s principal investigators, AFSA’s research assistants, AFSA’s research collaborators, and other interested parties
Admission: Free (advance registration is required or walk-in is accepted)
How to participate via Zoom: The Zoom ID will be provided to those who register.
Registration site:registration form

Program(Updated May 18 *Details may change )

May 19(Fri)
09:30~10:00 Reception starts
10:00~10:30 Pre-event talk (1) 
10:30~11:00 Pre-event talk (2) 
11:00~11:30 Pre-event talk (3) 
11:30~13:20 Lunch Break 
//12:20~13:10 Joint Seminar with The University of Tokyo *The seminar will be broadcast live online// 
         [Speaker] Mikito Nanashima (Assistant professor, The School of Computing at Tokyo Institute of Technology)
         [title] A Duality between One-Way Functions and Average-Case Symmetry of Informationbr
13:20~13:25 Opening greeting from the representative and business contacts
13:25~14:00 Recent progress in the entire AFSA (Prof. Minato)
14:00~14:20 Group A01:Status Report (20 min.)
14:20~14:40 Group A02:Status Report (20 min.))
14:40~15:00 Group B01:Status Report (20 min.)
15:00~15:15 Break
15:15~15:35 Poster Session(1) and Flash Talks
       ①Kanami Sugiyama(Kyoto University Group A02 Publicly Offered Research Investigator)「化学反応ネットワークを用いた反応設計方法の検討」
       ②Jun Kawahara(Kyoto University Group A02 Publicly Offered Research Investigator)「組合せ遷移ソルバーの活用事例の研究」
       ③Yuto Nakajima(Kyushu University Group B01 Publicly Offered Research Investigator)「辞書式順序依存問題の複雑さの解明」
       ④Takuya Mieno(The University of Electro-Communications Group B01 Publicly Offered Research Investigator)「文字列処理におけるNP困難問題の高速解法の追求」
       ⑤Christian Engels(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Group B02 PD) 「 Lower Bounds for Interval Graph Data Structures」
15:35~16:35 Poster Session(1)
16:35~16:55 Poster Session(2) Flash Talks
       ①Shuhei Denzumi (NTT Communication Science Laboratories Group B01 Publicly Offered Research Investigator)「決定グラフで扱える世界の拡張」
       ②Vorapong Suppakitpaisarn (The University of Tokyo Group B02 Publicly Offered Research Investigator)「On the Size of Minimal Separators for Treedepth Decomposition」
       ③Takao Yuyama(Kyoto University Group B04 PD)「群の語の問題と形式言語理論セッション」
       ④Peng Siqi(Kyoto University Group A01 PD)「Link prediction on bipartite networks using matrix factorization with negative sample selection」
16:55~17:55 Poster Session(2)
17:55~18:00 Take a commemorative photo・Business contacts
18:00~19:00 Reception at NII Dining Hall on the third floor
       Reception fee:1000YEN (will get you snacks and drinks)
19:00~    Enjoy dinner on your own.

09:00~09:30  Reception starts・Free Discussion
09:30~10:30  Invited Lecture(1) Associate Pro. Shuichi Hirahara 「メタ計算量の最近の進展について」
10:30~10:40 Break
10:40~11:00 Group B02:Status Report (20 min.)
11:00~11:20 Group B03:Status Report (20 min.)
11:20~11:40 Group B04:Status Report (20 min.)
11:40~13:10 Lunch Break
11:50~13:00 Advisory Meeting  (interested parties only, hybrid)
13:10~14:10 Invited Lecture(2) Prof. Koji Inoue (Kyushu University)
14:10~14:20 Break
14:20~14:40 Poster Session(3) Flash Talks
       ①Taisuke Izumi(Osaka University Group B02 Publicly Offered Research Investigator)「分散アルゴリズムと動的アルゴリズムにおける設計手法の相互展開と発展」
       ②Yuichiro Matsuzaki(Chuo University・GroupB03 Publicly Offered Research Investigator)「D-waveの実機を用いたエネルギー緩和時間の測定と長寿命エンタングルド状態の発見」
       ③Tesshu Hanaka (Kyushu University Group B04 Publicly Offered Research Investigator)「効用関数付きグラフ最適化問題に対する計算量解析のさらなる発展」
       ④Giulia Punzi(NII Group A01 PD) 「Assessing the Number of St-Paths in Undirected Graphs」
       ⑤Ansis Rosmanis(名古屋大学 Group GB03 PD)「Towards Tight Bounds for 3-Collision」
14:40~15:40 Five to seven posters(Publicly Offered Research Investigators and young researchers)
15:40~15:50 Future Outlook (Prof. Minato)
15:50~    Closing and Dismissal


Please contact: afsa-uketsuke[at]afsa.jp