Results, papers, benchmarks, and codes for ICGCA 2024

Results with codes and papers

The results of the ICGCA 2024 held from March to December 2024 are presented.

Ranking by the number of solved benchmarks

The following table shows the solvers ranked by the number of benchmarks they solved correctly. TL;DC won all the four tracks. For some benchmarks the correct answers are not still fixed, so some numbers are given as ranges. The codes and papers are available for download.

Solver U/S U/M D/S D/M Code Paper
TL;DC [38, 41] [38, 41] [20, 24] [20, 25] 01.pdf
KAG 34 34 [15, 16] [15, 16] 02.pdf
PaCo 28 28 18 18 14.pdf
N-stella 15 - - - 08.pdf
NaPS+GPMC 5 5 2 2 03.pdf
XCC 1 -- - - 05.pdf


Ranking by ideas

The following table shows the solvers ranked by the number of contestants' mutual votes for their ideas. The codes and papers are available for download. Since some contestants cast their votes for teams, not solvers, the votes are split among the four-track solvers, leading the fractional vote counts.

Solver # of votes Code Paper
KAG(U/M) 4.25 02.pdf
TL;DC(U/S) 3.25 01.pdf
XCC(U/S) 3 05.pdf

KAG's other solvers get 2.25, 2.75, and 0.75 for U/S, D/S, and D/M, respectively. TL;DC's other solvers get 0.25, 2.25, 0.25 for U/M, D/S, and D/M, respectively. The other solvers get no vote.

Benchmark Set

The benchmark set used in the competition is given below. The file format is described here.